Why check in to a ham radio net?
Ham radio nets are a great way to get your callsign “out there” and have the chance to network on-air with other hams in your area
Ham radio nets give you the opportunity to practice your on-air operating procedure. Knowing how to operate during a net is an important skill for all ham radio operators.
buy/sell equipment
Many weekly nets include the ability to hear about local used gear for sale. Don’t pay full price when you can find quality used gear from local hams. You’ll also make a contact/friend in the process!
stay up-to-date
Weekly nets usually provide news and announcements that local hams want to know about. Nets are a great way to stay in the know on local hamfests and other gatherings.

Digital Nets
Digital nets occur on DMR, D-STAR, and Yaesu System Fusion (Wires-X). They may or may not be carried on your local repeater. Check your local club website or contact your local repeater trustee to see what nets may be carried on digital repeaters in your area. If that net or node isn’t carried on your local repeater you can always use a personal hotspot to access the net.
Daily Nets
Type | Description | Time | Node Number |
Monday Night nets
Type | Description | Time | Node Number |
Wires-X | MinWis Technical Net (For Questions About Yaesu) | 7:30 p.m. CT | 21493 |
Tuesday night nets
Type | Description | Time | Node Number |
Wires-X | Western Michigan Net | 6:00 p.m. CT | 21335 |
Wednesday Night Nets
Type | Description | Time | Node Number |
Any RF Gateway | All Day | N/A | |
DMR | Minnesota Statewide Net | 7:00 p.m. CT | 3127 (Brandmeister) 3127 (K4USD) |
Wires-X | CQ NoDak | 7:30 p.m. CT | 62208 |
Thursday Night Nets
Type | Description | Time | Node Number |
Friday Net Nights
Type | Description | Time | Node Number |
Saturday Night Nets
Type | Description | Time | Node Number |
Wires-X | Digital Amateur Radio Club (Central MN) | 8:15 p.m. CT | 40012 |
Sunday Night Nets
Type | Description | Time | Node Number |
Wires-X | Southern MN | 8:30 p.m. CT | 40861 |
D-STAR | Minnesota D-STAR Net | 7:30 p.m. CT | REF053A |
DMR | SCMNRN Monthly Net | 9:00 p.m. CT – Last Sunday of the month | BM TG 312734 |
Wires-X | Sunday Fusion Digital Voice Hangout | 7:00 p.m. CT | W0JH-Room 63969 |
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See something that you know is incorrect? Have information you want to submit for consideration? Please contact us and let us know what you know. We need your help to make Minnesota Ham Radio the best resource in the state.